Billboard Advertising in Wichita, KS in Sedgwick County, KS

Map of Wichita Billboards

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Wichita, KS and Hutchinson, KS Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $2,000
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $2,000
Poster (Medium Billboard) $850
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $1,200

Wichita, KS in Sedgwick County, KS billboards are large and colorful. Typical advertisers include national brands, packaged goods companies, and tech companies. The static and digital/LED billboards in Wichita range in size but the most common sizes are bulletin size (48'x14') and poster size (23'x11'). Some of the billboards have been converted to digital displays in the last few years, which permit multiple advertisers to show their ads in rotation.

Wichita, KS and Hutchinson, KS Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 700 (estimated)
Major Roads I-35, the Kansas Turnpike, I-135, I-235, U.S. Route 54, U.S. Route 400, U.S. Route 81, K-96, K-254, K-15 and K-42
Neighborhoods Downtown, Old Town, Riverside, College Hill, Delano, Eastborough, Crown Heights, Hyde Park, Uptown, Midtown, South Central, Westlink, Indian Hills, Orchard Park, Benjamin Hills, Country Overlook, Schweiter, Sunnyside, Hilltop, Cottonwood Village, Planeview, Fairmount, Chisholm Creek, Sherwood Glen, Cedar Lakes Village, Minneha, Rockhurst, Longview, Sleepy Hollow, Eastborough; Wichita State University, Newman University and Friends University
Population 389,927 (estimated)
DMA No. 69
Race White 63%
Black 10%
Hispanic 17%
Other 10%
Median Income $49,202
Median Age 34
Zip Codes 67052 67101 67106 67201 67202 67203 67204 67205 67206 67207 67208 67209 67210 67211 67212 67213 67214 67215 67216 67217 67218 67219 67220 67223 67226 67228 67230 67235 67260 67275 67276 67277 67278
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