Billboard Advertising in Louisville, KY in Jefferson County, KY

Louisville billboards in Jefferson County, KY cannot be beat. They are all over the city - in both metro and suburban areas. Digital/LED billboards in Louisville have become even prevalent as the technology has gotten better and less expensive. And static billboards in various sizes are still popular for short term and long term advertising.

Louisville, KY Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 160 (estimated)
Major Roads Dixie Highway; Preston Highway; Outer Loop; I-264; I-265; I-64; I-65; Shelbyville Road, Bardstown Road and Taylorsville Road
Attractions Churchill Downs
Population 1,280,000 (estimated)
DMA No. 50
Race White 77%
Black 44%
Hispanic 14%
Other 2%
Median Income $54,546
Median Age 39

Louisville, KY Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $1,980
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $3,200
Poster (Medium Billboard) $1,225
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $1,575

Map of Louisville Billboards

Zip Codes 40018 40023 40025 40027 40041 40056 40059 40118 40177 40201 40202 40203 40204 40205 40206 40207 40208 40209 40210 40211 40212 40213 40214 40215 40216 40217 40218 40219 40220 40221 40222 40223 40225 40228 40229 40231 40232 40233 40241 40242 40243 40245 40250 40251 40255 40258 40259 40261 40266 40268 40270 40272 40280 40281 40282 40283 40285 40287 40289 40290 40291 40292 40293 40294 40295 40296 40297 40298 40299
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