Billboard Advertising in Lincoln, NE in Lancaster County, NE

Billboards in the great city of Lincoln, NE in Lancaster County, NE usually come in two main sizes: large and medium size. The large billboards (typically known as bulletins) are generally 48'x14' and the medium billboards (typically known as posters) are generaly 23'x11'.

Most of the billboards that have been converted to digital/LED formats in Lincoln, NE are the large bulletin size billboards because they are larger.

Lincoln, NE Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 70 (estimated)
Major Roads I-80, I-180, US 6, US 77
Attractions American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Museum; Lincoln Children’s Museum.
Population 331,592 (estimated)
DMA No. 106
Race White 82%
Black 7%
Hispanic 6%
Other 5%
Median Income $60,057
Median Age 34

Lincoln, NE Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $2,800
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $3,000
Poster (Medium Billboard) $900
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $2,200

Map of Lincoln Billboards

Zip Codes 68501 68502 68503 68504 68505 68506 68507 68508 68509 68510 68512 68514 68516 68520 68521 68522 68523 68524 68526 68527 68528 68529 68542 68544 68583 68588
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