Billboard Advertising in El Paso, TX

Map of El Paso Billboards

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El Paso, TX Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $2,000-$4,500
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $3,000-$5,500
Poster (Medium Billboard) $500-$1,000
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $1,500-$2,500

Get billboards in the great city and county of El Paso to drive point a message to city residents and visitors. Static and digital billboards are bright, large and in people's faces as they drive from home to work or school or anywhere else.

El Paso, TX Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 1,200 (estimated)
Major Roads I-10, US Highway 54, US Highway 62, US Highway 85, US Highway 180, SH 20, SH 178, Loop 375 and Spur 601
Neighborhoods Angel's Triangle, Chihuahuita, Downtown El Paso, Duranguito, El Segundo Barrio, Kern Place, Mesquite Hills, Mountain View, North Hills, Northeast El Paso, Park Foothills, Sunset Heights, Ysleta​
Population 842,677 (estimated)
DMA No. 98
Race White 11%
Black 3%
Hispanic 82%
Other 4%
Median Income $44,416
Median Age 32
Zip Codes 79835 79901 79902 79903 79904 79905 79906 79907 79910 79911 79912 79913 79914 79915 79917 79918 79920 79922 79923 79924 79925 79926 79927 79928 79930 79931 79932 79934 79935 79936 79937 79938 79940 79941 79943 79944 79945 79946 79947 79948 79949 79950 79951 79952 79953 79954 79955 79958 79960 79961 79968 79976 79978 79980 79990 79995 79996 79997 79998 79999 88510 88511 88512 88513 88514 88515 88516 88517 88518 88519 88520 88521 88523 88524 88525 88526 88527 88528 88529 88530 88531 88532 88533 88534 88535 88536 88538 88539 88541 88542 88543 88544 88545 88546 88547 88548 88549 88550 88553 88554 88555 88556 88557 88558 88559 88560 88561 88562 88563 88565 88566 88567 88568 88569 88570 88571 88572 88573 88574 88575 88576 88577 88578 88579 88580 88581 88582 88583 88584 88585 88586 88587 88588 88590 88595
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