San Antonio Bus and Bus Stop Shelter Ads

Advertising on the VIA buses and bus stop shelters in San Antonio, TX is a major method of garnering impressions on a daily basis. In a city rich with cultural history and significance, transit advertising on the San Antonio buses is a smart way to reach the masses on a daily basis. The San Antonio bus ads are comprised primarily of bus sides (kings and queens), bus rears (tails) and various large formats such as king kongs, full wraps and full backs. San Anotonio bus shelters are commonly referred to as street furniture advertising.

Recent Campaign in San Antonio

Texas Dept of Transportation (TXDOT) advertised on San Antonio bus kings as part of a public safety on the streets campaign.

San Antonio, TX Bus Advertising Data

No. of Buses in Fleet 400 (approx.)
Monthly Ridership 2,900,000 (approx.)
DMA Rank 37
Race White 26%
Black 7%
Hispanic 63%
Other 4%
Median Income $36,214
Median Age 32

San Antonio, TX Bus Advertising Rates

(Average per display per 4 weeks.)

For more specific pricing, submit Get Free Quote form.

Bus Exterior $425 - $6,500
Bus Interior $30 - $100
Bus Stop Shelter $375 - $700

Map of San Antonio, TX Bus Routes

Zip Codes 78006 78015 78023 78073 78109 78112 78154 78201 78202 78203 78204 78205 78206 78207 78208 78209 78210 78211 78212 78213 78214 78215 78216 78217 78218 78219 78220 78221 78222 78223 78224 78225 78226 78227 78228 78229 78230 78231 78232 78233 78234 78235 78236 78237 78238 78239 78240 78241 78242 78243 78244 78245 78246 78247 78248 78249 78250 78251 78252 78253 78254 78255 78256 78257 78258 78259 78260 78264 78265 78266 78269 78270 78278 78279 78280 78283 78284 78285 78288 78289 78291 78292 78293 78294 78295 78296 78297 78298 78299
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