Minneapolis-Saint Paul Bus, Bus Stop Shelter and Bench Ads

In the Twin Cities, transit advertising is possible with ads on buses, bus stop shelters and benches (which are known as street furniture advertising) that are part of the Metro transit system. The ads are vibrant in color and large in size. Lead times are relatively quick to print and install displays on the transit vehicles.

Recent Campaign in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN

German Embassy advertised on Minneapolis-Saint Paul buses to show off its country's partnership with the United States of America.

Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN Bus Advertising Data

No. of Buses in Fleet 800 (approx.)
Monthly Ridership 6,500,000 (approx.)
DMA No. 15
Race White 76%
Black 8%
Hispanic 2%
Other 14%
Median Income $37,765
Median Age 37

Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN Bus Advertising Rates

Estimated per display per period (4 weeks). For more specific pricing: Pricing

Bus Exterior Ads $475 - $8,000
Bus Interior Ads $50 - $90
Bus Stop Shelter $500 - $1,200
Bench $350 - $600

Map of Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN Bus Routes

Zip Codes 55111 55401 55402 55403 55404 55405 55406 55407 55408 55409 55410 55411 55412 55413 55414 55415 55416 55417 55418 55419 55421 55423 55430 55440 55450 55454 55455 55458 55459 55460 55467 55470 55472 55474 55478 55479 55480 55483 55484 55485 55486 55487 55488
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