Fresno, CA and Clovis, CA Bus Ads

Get transit advertising on Fresno, CA and Clovis, CA buses to get the attention of shoppers in the city. Advertising on FAX buses and Clovis Transit buses is a unique method to get a rolling billboard in the middle of city and in the surrounding areas, including Visalia, CA.

Recent Campaign in Fresno

Thermostat Recycling Corp advertised on buses in Fresno to tell the residents of the city about how to recycle the devices.

Fresno, CA Bus Advertising Data

No. of Buses in Fleet 40 (approx.)
Monthly Ridership 1,120,000 (approx.)
DMA Rank 55
Race White 56%
Black 28%
Hispanic 11%
Other 5%
Median Income $51,235
Median Age 35

Fresno, CA Bus Advertising Rates

(Average per display per 4 weeks.)

For more specific pricing, submit Get Free Quote form.

Bus Exterior $400 - $4,900
Bus Interior $45 - $65

Map of Fresno, CA Bus Routes

Zip Codes 93650 93701 93702 93703 93704 93705 93706 93707 93708 93709 93710 93711 93712 93714 93715 93716 93717 93718 93720 93721 93722 93723 93724 93725 93726 93727 93728 93729 93730 93737 93740 93741 93744 93747 93750 93755 93760 93761 93764 93765 93771 93772 93773 93774 93775 93776 93777 93778 93779 93786 93790 93791 93792 93793 93794 93844 93888
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