Wildlife Conservation Advertises in NYC Subways and Bus Shelters

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The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), an organization managing national and international conservation projects, research and education programs, is making its mark inside New York City subways and on bus shelter ads in Manhattan and the Bronx.

The WCS ads feature various animals found at NYC area zoos and encourage residents and tourists to snap photos of the zoo animals and share them on various social media channels.

While the subway ads are placed throughout the entire NYC subway network, the bus shelter ads are strategically placed on routes that lead to NYC zoos.

The ads feature fun copy that plays off the animals and the media formats. Here are some clever ones:

  • Giraffe bus shelter ad: "Meet Someone Tall, Spotted and Handsome".
  • Panda bus shelter ad: "The Easiest Way to Meet Someone Cute This Weekend".
  • Panda subway ad: "A Red Panda So Cute, You Can't Help But Lock Eyes on the Train".
  • Komodo subway ad: "A Komodo Dragon With a Tongue That Detects Every Odor in This City".
  • Otter subway ad: "A Sea Otter That Wore a Mustache in Brooklyn Before It Was Cool".
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