Billboard Advertising in Michigan, MI

Michigan, MI Billboards Map

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Michigan, MI Billboard Advertising Rates

  • Estimated per display per period (4 weeks).
  • $5,000 minimum spend which may be spread over displays and periods.
  • Get pricing: Pricing
Bulletin (Large Billboard) $2,450-$5,075
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $3,280-$5,100
Poster (Medium Billboard) $1,000-$1,500
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $1,300-$1,900

Bulletin and poster size billboards in Michigan, which are available in both static/still and digital formats - are in demand. The Michigan billboards are used for business advertising as well as public service announcements. Consumer packaged goods companies often use Michigan billboards to tell residents about a new product and service providers inform resident of the newest services available to them.

Michigan, MI Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 11,000 (estimated)
Major Roads I-75, I-69, I-94, I-96, I-275, I-696, I-475, I-375, I-194, I-196, I-496, I-75 (Detroit–Toledo Expressway), US-12 (Michigan Avenue), US-23, US-31, US-127, US-131, US-41, US-2, M-1 (Woodward Avenue), M-5 (Grand River Avenue), M-6, M-10 (Lodge Freeway), M-14, M-22 (Scenic Route), M-24 (Lapeer Road), M-32, M-37, M-39 (Southfield Freeway), M-43, M-50, M-53 (Van Dyke Avenue), M-55, M-59 (Hall Road), M-72, M-102 (Eight Mile Road), M-115
Major Neighborhoods Detroit: Downtown Detroit, Midtown, Corktown, Greektown, New Center, Eastern Market, Lafayette Park, Brush Park, Rosedale Park, Grandmont, Boston-Edison Historic District, Indian Village, Palmer Woods, University District, West Village, Jefferson Chalmers, Mexicantown.

Grand Rapids: Downtown Grand Rapids, Heritage Hill, East Grand Rapids, Westside Connection, Midtown, Eastown, Alger Heights, Creston, Belknap Lookout, Roosevelt Park, Northview, Wyoming, Kentwood.

Lansing: Downtown Lansing, Old Town, REO Town, East Lansing, Colonial Village, Groesbeck, Moores Park, Southside Lansing, Delta Township, Okemos, Haslett.

Ann Arbor: Downtown Ann Arbor, Kerrytown, Old West Side, Burns Park, Lower Burns Park, Water Hill, Northside, Arbor Hills, Bryant Pattengill, Georgetown.

Flint: Downtown Flint, Eastside, Mott Park, Civic Park, Grand Traverse District, Southside, Carriage Town, College Cultural Neighborhood, Beecher.

Kalamazoo: Downtown Kalamazoo, Vine, Stuart, Winchell, Edison, South Westnedge, Milwood, Parkview Hills, Westwood.

Traverse City: Downtown Traverse City, Slabtown, Central Neighborhood, Old Towne, Traverse Heights, Boardman, Oak Park.
Population 10,000,000 (estimated)
Race White 75%
Black 14%
Hispanic 5%
Other 6%
Median Income $56,697
Median Age 39
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