Billboard Advertising in Fort Wayne, IN (Allen County, IN)

Map of Fort Wayne Billboards

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Fort Wayne, IN Billboard Advertising Rates

  • Estimated per display per period (4 weeks).
  • $5,000 minimum spend which may be spread over displays and periods.
  • Get pricing: Pricing
Bulletin (Large Billboard) $3,000-$5,000
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $3,500-$5,500
Poster (Medium Billboard) $600-$1,100
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) TBD

Fort Wayne (Allen County, IN) billboards are available in various sizes throughout the city - both the highways and surface streets. Bulletins are typically 48'x14' and Posters are typically 23'x11' - both are available in digital and static formats. The digital ones can have their creative updated remotely which results in savings on printing costs.

Fort Wayne, IN Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 1,100 (estimated)
Major Roads I-69, US-24 (Jefferson Boulevard), US-27 (Clinton Street/Lafayette Street), US-30 (Lincoln Highway), US-33 (Goshen Road), IN-1 (Bluffton Road), IN-3 (Lima Road), IN-14 (Illinois Road), IN-37 (Maysville Road), IN-930 (Coliseum Boulevard), IN-469, Coliseum Boulevard, Coldwater Road, Dupont Road, Stellhorn Road, Maplecrest Road, Saint Joe Center Road, Anthony Boulevard, Fairfield Avenue, Wayne Trace, Ardmore Avenue
Major Neighborhoods Downtown Fort Wayne, West Central, Northside, Southwood Park, Aboite, Pine Valley, Georgetown, New Haven, Waynedale, Glenwood Park, Blackhawk, Lakeside Park, Lincoln Village, North Anthony, Arlington Park, Foster Park, Covington Dells, North Highlands
Population 437,631 (estimated)
DMA No. 107
Race White 76%
Black 10%
Hispanic 7%
Other 7%
Median Income $55,491
Median Age 32
Zip Codes 46774 46801 46802 46803 46804 46805 46806 46807 46808 46809 46814 46815 46816 46818 46819 46825 46835 46845 46850 46851 46852 46853 46854 46855 46856 46857 46858 46859 46860 46861 46862 46863 46864 46865 46866 46867 46868 46869 46885 46895 46897 46898 46899
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