Billboard Advertising in Albuquerque, NM (Bernalillo County, NM)

Map of Albuquerque Billboards

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Albuquerque, NM Billboard Advertising Rates

  • Estimated per display per period (4 weeks).
  • $5,000 minimum spend which may be spread over displays and periods.
  • Get pricing: Pricing
Bulletin (Large Billboard) $2,000-$4,500
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $1,750-$4,750
Poster (Medium Billboard) $1,000-$1,500
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $2,000-$3,000

Give billboard advertising in Albuquerque, NM (Bernalillo County, NM) a chance to display your new product or service in one of the most effective methods. Renting an Albuquerque billboard advertisement is a unique way to get the most exposure for your ad.

Albuquerque, NM Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 2,700
Major Roads Pan-American Freeway (I-25), Coronado Freeway (I-40), Paseo del Norte (State highway 423), Coors Boulevard, Central Avenue, Alameda Boulevard and Tramway Boulevard. Other main streets include San Mateo, Osuna, San Antonio, Academy, Carlisle, Lead, Coal, Rio Bravo, University, Lomas
Attractions and Neighborhoods International Balloon Fiesta; University of New Mexico; Kirtland Air Force Base; Barelas, Downtown, Eastside, Foothills, Huning Highland, Kirtland Addition, Knob Hill, Los Duranes, Mesa del Sol, North Valley, Northeast Heights, North Campus, Old Town, Ridgecrest, Sandia Heights, South Valley, Southeast Heights, Taylor Ranch, University Heights, Uptown, Ventana Ranch, West Mesa, Westgate Heights
Population 559,270 (estimated)
DMA No. 44
Race White 41%
Black 1%
Hispanic 48%
Other 10%
Median Income $50,522
Median Age 36
Zip Codes 87101 87102 87103 87104 87105 87106 87107 87108 87109 87110 87111 87112 87113 87114 87116 87119 87120 87121 87122 87123 87125 87131 87153 87154 87158 87176 87181 87187 87190 87191 87192 87193 87194 87196 87197 87198 87199
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